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baccata Repandens
English Yew

An English spreading, almost weeping yew which has been a fovarite for many years. Dark green foilage. Grows lower in shady conditions.


2 - 2½'

2½ - 3'

3 - 3½'


3½ - 4'

4 - 4½'

4½ - 5'


media Black Knight
Black Knight Yew

Plant with a dense and finer texture of needles. Darker green than Densiformis.


2 - 2½'

2½ - 3'

3 - 3½'


3½ - 4'

4 - 4½'

4½ - 5'


media Densiformis
Densiformis Yew

This is a low growing form of spreading yew which is quite compact and dense.


2 - 2½'

2½ - 3'

3 - 3½'


3½ - 4'

4 - 4½'

4½ - 5'

media Hicksi
Hicksi Yew

A very upright columnar yew with dark green foilage. Our plants are not pruned flat on top, but tapered into a more natural shape.


3½ - 4'

4 - 4½'

4½ - 5'

5 - 5½'

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