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florida Cherokee Princess
White Flowering Dogwood

In our opinion, this is the best of the white flowering native dogwoods. Grown as a modified single leader tree.


2 - 2½" cal

2½ - 3" cal

3 - 3½" cal

3½ - 4" cal


florida Rubra
Pink Flowering Dogwood

These pink flowering dogwoods are a selection which exhibits strong growth and delicate clear pink flowers.


1¾ - 2" cal

2 - 2½" cal

2½ - 3" cal


3 - 3½" cal

3½ - 4" cal



kousa Chinensis
Chinese Dogwood

These dogwoods flower 2-3 weeks after the native dogwood. Flower set is quite impressive on established plants. Fruit is red and shaped like large rasberries.


2 - 2½" cal

2½ - 3" cal



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