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American Boxwood

A good hardy strain of a plant associated with colonial gardens in North America. Viewed with renewed interest because of its lack of attraction to deer.


Not Available


sempervirens Fastigiata
Upright American Boxwood

A columnar boxwood which can be maintained as an accent plant with moderate pruning.


3½ - 4'

4 - 4½'

4½ - 5'

5 - 5½'

sempervirens Graham Blandy
Graham Blandy

An extremely narrow boxwood. A plant four feet tall, is only about 10-12" wide.


3 - 3½'

3½ - 4'

4 - 4½'


4½ - 5'

5 - 5½'



sempervirens Winter Gem
Winter Gem

A fast growing hybrid, exhibiting good hardiness in zone 6. Roundish in shape.


Not Available

sempervirens Green Mountain
Green Mountain

Mostly upright and pyramidal rendering teh same characteristics of our strain of Buxus semperviren. Major difference being a bit slower in growth. Deep dark green foilage year round.


Not Available

sempervirens Green Velvet
Green Velvet

More roudned and dwarf than our other semperviren varieties. Smaller leaf and slower in growth.


Not Available


sempervirens Vardar Valley
Vardar Valley

In our opinion, this is the best of the white flowering native dogwoods. Grown as a modified single leader tree.


2 - 2½'

2½ - 3'

3 - 3½'


3½ - 4'

4 - 4½'



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